Empower the Next Generation of Arabian Horse Enthusiasts
More Than $50,000 Given Each Year

Youth are the future of the Arabian horse industry.
Whether youth pursue a professional career in the equine industry or become a successful business leader, teacher, or scientist, their dedication and love for the greatest breed on earth ensures the Arabian horse will continue to thrive for generations to come.

General Scholarships
In a convenient one-stop shopping approach, the Arabian Horse Foundation allows students to fill out a single application that automatically makes them eligible for all memorial and regional scholarships.
How to Apply:
Email the completed application with attachments to email listed on the form.
Application submission deadline: April 1.

Wyatt Potts
General Scholarship 2023

John Dublin
Ranch Trail Pleasure Champion 2021

Youth Nationals
Previously awarded for Champion and Reserve at Youth Nationals in the following classes:
Ranch Riding
Show Hack
Country Pleasure Driving
Western Pleasure
Dressage First Level
Hunter Pleasure
Mounted Native Costume
Ranch Rail Pleasure
Sport Horse Under Saddle
How to Apply:
No application or age required. You only need to be entered in the class at the show.

Youth of the Year
The AHYA Youth of the Year award honors one outstanding youth member annually who has breed achievements, a dedication to the Arabian breed, and a desire to remain involved in the industry, serving as an ambassador and role model within the Arabian horse community.
The winner receives a $5,000 scholarship sponsored by the Arabian Horse Foundation.
How to Apply:
Applications are due September 1 of the given year and managed through AHYA.

Marin McKee
AHYA Youth of the Year 2023
Photo Credit: Jeff Jansen

Caoimhe Benn-Rothstein
2023 High Individual 4-H FFA Division

Judging Contest
Contestants in the National Arabian Horse Judging Contest at U.S. Nationals in October have the opportunity to win $7,000 in total individual and team scholarship awards across the three divisions: 4-H/FFA, Junior AHA, and Senior AHA/Collegiate.
How to Apply:
Entries are due September 23 of the given year and managed through AHYA.

“It really means a lot that the Arabian Horse Foundation is willing ...
... to come together to help support youth and upcoming adults in furthering our education.
~ Michaiah Carson, 2023 General Scholarship Recipient